You now know how moving slowly through your steps can help your dances. So, how can we use ‘slow motion dance’ in our practice? 
Continue reading “The Art of Slow Motion Dance”

When working on our dancing dreams, a time always comes – usually on a day when both body and mind are feeling bruised – when we wonder if we aren’t kidding ourselves. For many people, this is all it takes for them to give up and walk away.

Hopefully, you’ve become familiar with the hip styling moves from last week. Now, it’s time to take your Latin motion to a whole new level! I learned these techniques over years of training and consulting with other professionals. You may not learn them all overnight, but the benefits are well worth it!
Continue reading “7 Secrets to Sexy Latin Motion”

Whether you’re a man or a woman, your hips tell your dance partner a lot about you: how relaxed you are, how playful, how comfortable with your sexuality. So it should come as no surprise to know that, especially in the Latin clubs, one of the big indicators of your popularity as a dancer is how smoothly and sexily you can shake it down.

In previous articles on sexy hip movement, we explored the basic form of Latin hip movement, called Cuban motion, and I highly recommend ballroom beginners start there. For those of you a little more familiar with your body’s mid-section, here’s five more moves to develop some sexy hips! 
Continue reading “5 Dance Moves for Sexy Hips”

During your balance training exercises, you will inevitably encounter periods of ‘balance block’, where you could swear you’ve ticked all the boxes, yet you’re still wobbly as a new-born kitten.

Treat these roadblocks as tests, making sure you are really committed to your ballroom balance training. In the end, you’ll always find something that was missing, accelerating your body control and awareness. To speed you along however, these are some common causes of balance block you may encounter. 
Continue reading “Roadblocks in Your Dance Balance Training”

Ready for more punishment? – we look at three new dance exercises that improve your balance on turns and rise and fall, so you can handle the more complicated dance manoeuvres with style.
Continue reading “More Dance Exercises for Balance”